📣 We are very excited to announce our partnership with Wattsense. 🤝
Wattsense connectivity solution unleashes access to data collection and visualization by making it easier to use #IoT and #GTB in mid-sized buildings. 🏤
The solution consists of:
– A Hardware –
A plug & play multi-protocol hardware compatible with the main communication protocols such as LoRaWAN, BACnet IP, Modbus IP, Modbus RTU, M-Bus, LON, KNX, LPB and Diematic.
– A User Console –
A web-based interface that allows you to connect devices with a few clicks.
The console allows you to centralize and share your data easily.
– Products –
Our offer is composed of two products, based on the same hardware, depending on your needs: the Box and the Hub.
👉 Many customers use both ATIM Radiocommunication devices and the Wattsense Gateway to connect to their BMS/GTB system. This interoperability makes it much easier to deploy in the field and connect new LoRa sensors to existing PLCs and supervisory controllers. 🚀